

Rome Art Week Festival

Susanne Kessler “The Ocean Room” zu sehen in
Project Space Rome

24.10. – 29.10.2024
Öffnungszeiten: täglich 17-20 Uhr (oder nach Vereinbarung)

Project Space Rome
Piazza dei Sanniti 42 (EG, Innenhof) – Rom
Tel +39 3337412038

Blue / Yellow No War
Works by Ali Assaf, Paolo Bielli, Lucia Crisci, Enrico Borghini, Tommaso Franchi, Susanne Kessler, Andrea Lanini, Elly Nagaoka, Annegret Soltau, Sara Spizzichino
Curated by Susanne Kessler

Inauguration 4 March 2022 at 18.00

Project Space Rome
Piazza dei Sanniti 42 – Rome

Until March 13, 2022

On Friday 4 March 2022 the Blue / Yellow No War exhibition opens at Project Space Rome with the works of Ali Assaf, Paolo Bielli, Lucia Crisci, Enrico Borghini, Tommaso Franchi, Susanne Kessler, Andrea Lanini, Elly Nagaoka, Annegret Soltau, Sara Spizzichino, curated by Susanne Kessler: an invitation that Susanne addressed to various artists of different origins to say, forcefully, NO to war.

„Let us artists unite peoples, invite us to areas of crisis, let us with our colleagues from all over the world, discuss and become brothers and sisters. Or let people attack us and get rid of their anger, we are used to it and no longer blame anyone for it. We think: „Yes, maybe there is some truth in it,,,“ and we continue to work and, if the vision doesn’t come out, it ends up in the wastepaper basket, and without problems and we start over. Many mistakes made by an artist simply end up in the trash.

On other continents you build differently, you write differently, you make music differently and all these things make the world more round and more understandable for each of us, bring people closer, allow meaning seekers to find and understand. We get closer, we change, we move away again: our existence swings back and forth, inspired by the other and never blocked and stagnant in a stubborn imposing.

We don’t want to join in the funeral hymn of soldiers drifting towards death, trampling the delicate plants in their path. Both fathers and mothers want to accompany the growth and development of their children. The young man wants to use his talents and grow, the elderly want to look at the new young life and at some point say goodbye serenely.

We artists say yes to life, to all its forms and diversities.“ (Susanne Kessler)


Blue / Yellow No War
Works by Ali Assaf, Paolo Bielli, Lucia Crisci, Enrico Borghini, Tommaso Franchi, Susanne Kessler, Andrea Lanini, Elly Nagaoka, Annegret Soltau, Sara Spizzichino
Curated by Susanne Kessler

Inauguration 4 March 2022 at 18.00
Until March 13, 2022
Hours: every day from 16:00 to 20:00

Project Space Rome
Piazza dei Sanniti 42 (ground floor, courtyard) – Rome
Tel +39 3337412038

The press map with texts and images of the works are at the following link:

Piano di fuga / Escape Plan

Collettivo Creative Contagion: Basurama (Madrid) Maurizio Cimino (Naples) Meriem Elatra (Paris) Susanne Kessler (Rome, Berlin) David Page (Baltimore) Anna Pangalou (Athens) Hani Zurob (Paris)

Curated by Gina Caruso (New York City)
In collaboration with Creative Alliance, Baltimore, USA

Opening reception October 25, 2021 at 6 pm

Project SPACE ROME contemporary art

Piazza dei Sanniti, 42 – 00184 Rome

Until October 30, 2021

October 25, 2021 from 6 pm on Project SPACE ROME Contemporary Art presents in the scope of Rome Art Week, the project Piano di fuga / Escape Plan, curated by Gina Caruso in collaboration with Creative Alliance, Baltimore.

The works on view are by the artists of the Creative Contagion Collective: Basurama (Madrid), Maurizio Cimino (Naples), Meriem Elatra (Paris), Susanne Kessler (Rome, Berlin), David Page (Baltimore), Anna Pangalou (Athens), Hani Zurob (Paris).

Project SPACE ROME Contemporary Art was launched as a space dedicated to international projects, artist exchanges, and dialogues between artists from countries worldwide. The origin of the idea to create this new space for international artists was inspired by Susanne Kessler’s experience during the period of the pandemic when she worked with Gina Caruso, who now lives in New York City, who was Executive Director of the Creative Alliance, a non-profit arts organization based in Baltimore, and a group of artists she brought together for the project. It began in April 2020 during the deadliest part of the pandemic in Italy, which shortly became a global tragedy. A group of artists from different countries connected through Zoom were driven by the need to work together to overcome geographical and cultural borders. The artists who were selected to participate in Creative Contagion include Anna Pangalou (Athens), Basurama (Madrid), David Page (Baltimore), Hani Zurob (Paris), Maika’i Tubbs (New York City), Maurizio Cimino (Naples), Meriem Elatra (Paris), Susanne Kessler (Berlin / Rome), and all of them were engaged in the three artistic and editorial projects from April 2020 through February 2021.

On the occasion of the 5th edition of RAW, Kessler opens the doors of her Roman studio in S. Lorenzo to host contemporary art in the new Project SPACE ROME, which was converted from an artist’s atelier to a permanent gallery for contemporary art. The exhibition “Escape Plan” in which the artists of the collective, and the curator, who until now have met only via Skype and Zoom, will finally physically meet for the first time and present the fruit of their work and their collaboration to the Roman public. In fact, the artists initially loosely referenced the method / game called “Exquisite Corpse” to begin their collaboration. The collective has produced two publications that reveal the most intimate dreams, moments of humor and/or resilience, the desperation of being trapped and losing loved ones, frustration about racial injustice, the loss they experienced due to a total standstill to exhibit their work, and the lack of economic resources. “Escape Plan” therefore narrates the lives and reflections of those who wanted to embrace a profound sense of what it means to be part of an artistic community as a creative way to resist the inclement weather of a historical moment caused by the pandemic, and to instead seek a personal and collective light.

Program from 25 to 30 October 2021

25.10, 6-9 pm
Opening reception with an introduction by curator Gina Caruso, New York, NY
Sound performance by Anna Pangalou „CREATIVE CONTAGIONS ESCAPE PLAN / part 1“

26.10, 11-13 am
Artist talk: Meriem Eletra illustrates her artistic research.

4-8 pm: Exhibition is open

27.10, 6 pm
Mónica Gutiérrez / Basurama: conversation around production, consumption, art and trash – In Love We Trash“

28.10, 6-8 pm
Susanne Kessler shows several video clips of her recent installations

29.10, 4-8 pm
Round table „Opening through restriction”. A discussion with the artists of the collective and some Roman artists

30.10 Closing events, 4-8 pm
Artist talk: Maurizio Cimino „Sweet and Cruel – Maurizio Cimino’s street Photography“ Final sound performance by Anna Pangalou „CREATIVE CONTAGIONS ESCAPE PLAN / part 2“

Opening hours: from 26 to 30 October from 4 to 8 pm or by appointment

Entrance only with Green Pass

Project SPACE ROME contemporary art
Piazza dei Sanniti 42 – Roma
Tel +39 3337412038

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